IIMP Presents University of Manitoba Students with Scholarships to enter CMMP® designations

The International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®) presented the four winners of the Manitoba International Marketing Competition with the Collegiate Scholarship that will provided them with access to entry into CMMP® (Certified Marketing Management Professional) program.

Toronto, Canada — January 29, 2014—The International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®), a not for profit volunteer marketing organization, granted four individual scholarships into the Certified Marketing Management professional (CMMP®) program, winners of the Manitoba International Marketing Competition. This is the first edition of the Collegiate Scholarship Program of CMMP®, in partnership with Manitoba International Marketing Competition, of Asper Business School, Manitoba University, in Canada.

The IIMP launched the Collegiate Scholarship Program for Certified Marketing Management Professional (CMMP®) designations. Its first edition was in partnership with Manitoba International Marketing Competition, of Asper Business School, Manitoba University, in Canada. The following four students from The University of Manitoba, the team that had won the competition, were granted four individual scholarships into the CMMP® program.

– Ashley Williams,
– Graham Halford,
– Ryan Suchit and
– Scott Friesen.

The scholarship will subsidize entry into the CMMP® program, which will provide rigorous professional skills to prepare candidates to receive CMMP® designation upon successfully completion.

Mr. Ryan Caligiuri, Director of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards Committee was in attendance at the Manitoba International Marketing Competition as representative of IIMP® and presented the awards to the winners.

Jayd Christie, Manitoba International Marketing Competition and Conference Co-Chair said: “This year marked the 32nd Annual Manitoba International Marketing Competition and Conference. We are always looking for ways to improve our event and provide the best opportunities we can for our students. This year we were excited to announce a partnership with IIMP. With the IIMP Collegiate Scholarship Program we were able to provide each team member of the winning team with the IIMP Collegiate Scholarship. This will assist our winning team in expanding their marketing knowledge and obtaining their CMMP® designation. We loved working with the individuals at IIMP and are very grateful for their generous contributions to enrich our attendees experience.

Mr. Ryan Caligiuri, Director of International Accepted Marketing Standards with IIMP® said:It was a great honour to present the four winners from the University of Manitoba with scholarships. The future of marketing certainly looks bright and with the training provided from a CMMP designation it will look even better.

Learn more about the IIMP Collegiate Scholarship Program:


About the International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®):
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®) is an independent not-for-profit professional organization which develops and advocates international standards within the marketing field. IIMP® was formed in July 2009 and is a pioneer in its leadership and strategic approach towards developing the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards™ (IAMST) based upon Generally Accepted Marketing Principles™ and Practices in the field of marketing. The development of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards is led by the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards™ (IAMST) Board which represents the G-20 countries; the IAMS Board members include senior academic leaders from reputable business schools and Chief Marketing Officers from major corporations across the G-20 countries. This diverse membership will undoubtedly bring a real synergy between the science and practice. The IAMS Board works with the aid and cooperation of teams from the International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP) which has representation from 158 countries and Advisory Council of Marketing Practitioners (ACMP). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Prof. Dr. Chuck Hermans, MBA, PhD (Marketing)
Senior Vice President Marketing
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®)
E-mail: chuckhermans@missouristate.edu

Sandra Pedro, McS (Communication Science)
Senior Public Relations Manager
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®)
E-mail: sandraigpedro@gmail.com

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International Institute of Marketing Professionals
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