IIMP® delivers three new CMMP® Handbooks

IIMP® delivers three new CMMP® Handbooks

International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®) released three new CMMP® handbooks will provide guidelines and reference material for marketing professionals to successfully deliver CMMP® designation program.

Toronto, Canada — June 5th, 2013 — Recently published Manager CMMP® (Certified Marketing Management Professional) handbook, Executive CMMP® handbook and Chartered CMMP® handbook complete the CMMP® designation handbook collection providing guidelines and reference material for marketing professionals. The CMMP® handbook collection will have an essential role in the CMMP® program that offers four key marketing designations for individuals to benefit in achieving specific qualifications through their education and work experience in the marketing field.

The topics in the CMMP® designation handbook collection cover practical and technical developments in the marketing field:
• Associate CMMP® handbook (ISBN: 978-0-9865519-0-1), released in March 2013, is designed to address the needs of professional development of beginners in the field of marketing.
• Manager CMMP® handbook (ISBN: 978-0-9865519-1-8) covers the topics that challenge managers to add value to their tasks and assignments, and provides insights for successfully tackling the challenges of directing different marketing teams.
• Executive CMMP® handbook (ISBN: 978-0-9865519-2-5) is an advanced level international certification handbook designed to furthermore develop marketing professionals’ skills to be better equipped when facing the challenges of diverse responsibilities, leadership and technological innovations.
• Chartered CMMP® handbook (ISBN: 978-0-9865519-3-2) is meant for professionals in the senior most positions in the marketing departments of their organizations to sharpen their analytical and strategic planning skills for effective and efficient performance of their business operations/units.

Mr. Nisar Butt, President and Chief Executive Officer of IIMP®, said:At IIMP® we recognize the completion of the CMMP® designations handbook collection as a major achievement in education of marketing professionals. Gratitude and compliments go to esteemed authors and support team members who contributed with their much appreciated marketing knowledge and experience in the field which will help in delivering IIMP accreditation CMMP globally.” View list of contributing authors: http://www.theiimp.org/cmmp-authors/

IIMP® accreditation CMMP® is a globally-recognized and well respected measure of professional and academic excellence in the practice of marketing. This program is designed for industry professionals and is considered to be the mark of distinction for those who demonstrate commitment to the marketing profession and to its ethical practice. The CMMP® designation is validation that a professional in the field of marketing has successfully demonstrated competency in the knowledge, skills and abilities required to practice marketing effectively in today’s business arena. Candidates for the CMMP® designation program are welcome to apply: http://www.theiimp.org/cmmp-designation/

Mr. Nisar Butt additionally stressed thatit is essential for educational institutions to get involved in delivering the CMMP® designation preparation to enable for students and practitioners to furthermore evolve in their marketing professions and roles. Therefore, educational institutions all over the globe are more than welcome to implement CMMP® designations in their programs.”

The CMMP® designations will be delivered by the “IIMP® Authorized Education Centres Program” that will include delivery of program by appointing the “IIMP® Certified Study Centres” globally. Furthermore, IIMP® will recognize those educational institutions “IIMP® Recognized Educational Institution” that offer matching qualification that will satisfy CMMP® entrance requirements. Interested academic and professional marketing institutions are welcome to get accredited: http://www.theiimp.org/accrediting-education-centres/


About the International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®):
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®) is an independent not-for-profit professional organization which develops and advocates international standards within the marketing field. IIMP® was formed in July 2009 and is a pioneer in its leadership and strategic approach towards developing the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards™ (IAMST) based upon Generally Accepted Marketing Principles™ and Practices in the field of marketing. The development of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards is led by the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards™ (IAMST) Board which represents the G-20 countries; the IAMS Board members include senior academic leaders from reputable business schools and Chief Marketing Officers from major corporations across the G-20 countries. This diverse membership will undoubtedly bring a real synergy between the science and practice. The IAMS Board works with the aid and cooperation of teams from the International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP) which has representation from 158 countries and Advisory Council of Marketing Practitioners (ACMP). __________________________________________________________________________________


Prof. Dr. Chuck Hermans, MBA, PhD (Marketing)
Senior Vice President Marketing
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®)
E-mail: chuckhermans@missouristate.edu

Tina Šegota, PhD candidate
Senior Public Relations Manager
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®)
E-mail: segota.tina.iimp@gmail.com

Sandra Pedro, BA (Communication Science)
Public Relations Manager
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®)
E-mail: sandraigpedro@gmail.com

Nelab Hussain
Associate Public Relations
Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards Committee
E-mail: nelab.hussain@gmail.com 

Mailing Address:
Media Room
International Institute of Marketing Professionals
24-499 Ray Lawson Blvd., P.O. Box 185
Brampton, L6Y 4E6, Ontario, Canada

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