IIMP® Marketing, Media and Resource Partners

IIMP® Marketing, Media and Resource Partners

Due to the fast growth of IIMP® members and accredited institutions, IIMP® is in need of new volunteers, journalists, and supporting businesses to help with the expansion of marketing standards and supporting marketing designations all around the world.

IIMP® Marketing Partners:
Marketing Partnership is opened for marketing companies or individuals with graphic art background. New members will be joining IIMP® Graphic Art team and will be included in development of marketing materials, graphic outlines for email communication and creation of advertisements for the IIMP® and CMMP®.

IIMP® Media Partners:
Media Partnership section is open for media companies or journalists contributing to online and offline marketing media. New volunteers would work closely with IIMP® PR team and would be expected to show their expertise in providing coverage for IIMP® news and announcements. This position offers the official “IIMP® Media Partner” designation that is open to journalists from more than 192 countries where IIMP® is present with broad cross-section of academic leaders, consultants and business professionals.

IIMP® Resource Partners:
Resource Partnership is being offered to companies that would facilitate business activities by proving IIMP® with the resources such as phone lines, online libraries, conference rooms etc.


Marketing and Graphic art companies or individuals with graphic art background, offline and online marketing media companies or journalists and businesses providing different resource and technical support are welcome to apply to become partner with IIMP®: http://www.theiimp.org/become-iimp-partner/  
