IIMP® Introduces new Marketing and Communications Committee

IIMP® Press Release

IIMP® Introduces new Marketing and Communications Committee.

The new Marketing and Communications Committee of the IIMP® showcases the application of marketing to practice among marketing academia and practitioners with the strong need of recruiting new members among marketing professionals.

Toronto, Canada—October 01, 2012—The International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®), a not for profit volunteer marketing organization is introducing an expanded Marketing and Communications Committee which will handle all of the marketing functions for the organization. The newly established committee embraces all aspects of marketing by promoting advances made by the IIMP® and enabling its members to further promote their career goals, dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in marketing practice and theory around the world. The Marketing and Communications Committee is now seeking professional and academic marketing leaders to take an active volunteer role in this IIMP® committee.

“The establishment of the Marketing Communications Committee embraces the recognition of integrated marketing communications within the IIMP®. At the same time I would like to express the strong need of new members with specific technical experience and extensive administrative experience. New volunteers with experience and knowledge ranging from product and brand management, marketing strategy, market analysis, planning and research, database management, social media and internet communication, and marketing administration are welcome,” says Prof. Dr. Chuck Hermans, PhD., Senior Vice President Marketing of IIMP®.

The structure of the new Committee includes four primary functional areas:
1) Brand Management which is responsible for developing the IIMP® designation strategy and managing all aspects of the various IIMP® associated brands;
2) Product Development which is responsible for finalizing IIMP® offerings and bringing those products and services to a marketable state;
3) Communications for IIMP® stakeholders both internally and externally with marketing professionals, academics and students, as well as the IIMP® staff, committee members, editorial boards and advisors; and
4) Market Planning and Research which is responsible for consumer, and market planning and research to support the marketing of the IIMP®.

With the expansion of the Marketing Communications Committee, several new opportunities for volunteers are currently available. Applications will be accepted from Vice-Presidents, Directors, Brand Managers, New Product Development Managers, Advertising and Marketing Communications Managers, Digital Communications and Development Managers. Open marketing support functions include market planning and consumer research, internal and external marketing communications, social media marketing, advertising, and public relations. In the area of social media, we are specifically seeking a Facebook Manager, Linked-in Manager, RenRen and Twitter Manager.

Volunteers for the IIMP® have each agreed to dedicate a few hours a week to the organization in an effort to improve marketing practice around the world. Marketing professionals interested in learning further about the team and becoming a volunteer are encouraged to register today by visiting: http://www.theiimp.org/marketing-and-communications-committee/.

About the International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®)
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®) is an independent not-for-profit professional organization which develops and advocates international standards within the marketing field. IIMP® was formed in July 2009 and is a pioneer in its leadership and strategic approach towards developing the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards™ based upon Generally Accepted Marketing Principles™ and Practices in the field of marketing. The development of Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards is led by the Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards™ (IAMS) Board which represents the G-20 countries; the IAMS Board members include senior academic leaders from reputable business schools and Chief Marketing Officers from major corporations across the G-20 countries. This diverse membership will undoubtedly bring a real synergy between the science and practice. The IAMS Board works with the aid and cooperation of teams from International Advisory Council for the Marketing Profession (IACMP) which has representation from 158 countries and Advisory Council of Marketing Practitioners (ACMP). __________________________________________________________________________________


Prof. Dr. Chuck Hermans, MBA, PhD (Marketing)
Senior Vice President Marketing
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®)
E-mail: chuckhermans@missouristate.edu

Tina Šegota, PhD candidate
Senior Public Relations Manager
International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®)
E-mail: segota.tina.iimp@gmail.com

Karen Fleming, BA (Marketing Communications)
Associate Director
Internationally Accepted Marketing Standards Committee
E-mail: karenjfleming@gmail.com

Mailing Address:
Media Room
International Institute of Marketing Professionals
24-499 Ray Lawson Blvd., P.O. Box 185
Brampton, L6Y 4E6, Ontario, Canada

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