Academic Accreditation Committee
Mandate and Major Objectives
The Academic Accreditation Committee (AAC) at the International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP®) is responsible for planning, directing, administrating and evaluating the educational institution’s general education and transfer disciplines. The Committee members aid the Senior Vice President of Academic Accreditation for selecting and accrediting institutions in order to support IIMP’s accredited CMMP® designations. Additionally, the committee is in charge of coordinating policies and procedures related to the accreditation of educational centres. The Academic Accreditation Committee collaborates and communicates with the Education Management Committee (EMC) in order to discuss progressive marketing issues that can be implemented in educational curriculums.
The Academic Accreditation Committee (AAC) consists of the following dedicated teams that are focused to contribute to different areas:
1. Accreditation Program Development Team
The Accreditation Program Development Team is responsible for developing policies and procedures to recognize educational institutions that are offering academic diploma/degree programs with business and marketing courses required to meet the academic entrance requirements to enter the CMMP® designation. Furthermore, the team is in charge of developing comprehensive accreditation program in order to accredit institutions and study centres to offer programs academic and professional programs at various levels.
2. Academic Program Development Team
The academic program development team is responsible for creating detailed course outlines and program curriculums for non-marketing and marketing courses, certifications, diploma, and degree programs prescribed to complete in order to fulfil the entrance requirement to enter the study of CMMP® designation.
3. Institutional Communication Team
The institutional communication team is responsible for establishing a list of required learning objectives that will serve as the basis of verifying an academic program’s credibility, contacting educational institutions for educating them about IIMP® designation and its requirements. Furthermore, the team in charge of communicating with the relevant Governmental and private bodies in order to gain official permission for implementing IIMP’s educational programs in their counties. Moreover, the team is responsible for publishing a newsletter (periodical) to update educational and other relevant Institutions.
4. Accreditation Administration Team
The academic administration team is responsible for receiving applications from educational institutions and training centers and process them in accordance to IIMP®’s policies and procedures to either reject or grant them status of “Recognized Institutions”, “Accredited Institutions” and “Certified Study Centres”.
5. Education Promotional Team
The education promotional team is responsible for working with the IIMP’s Education Management Committee in order to arrange seminars, symposiums, workshops in different countries to encourage or motivate the students of recognized and accredited institutions/Certified Study centers and to create awareness of the make the CMMP® designation. Furthermore, the team is in charge of contacting, meeting, consulting with recruiting corporate firms/organizations/national and multinational companies for creating awareness of the CMMP® designation..
Authorized Education Centres Program Worldwide
The Academic Accreditation Committee (AAC) at IIMP® has formed the Authorized Education Centres Program that consists of two major areas that includes (Certified Marketing Management Professional) CMMP® Pre-Admission and Post-Admission Programs for recognizing and authorizing educational institutions worldwide. The two major areas have been divided into the following five categories in terms of recognizing or accrediting the educational institutions and exam centres worldwide to empower them to provide education and training programs required for candidates to enter and successfully achieve CMMP® designations.
1. IIMP® Recognized Institutions
2. IIMP® Accredited Institutions
3. IIMP® Certified Study Centres
4. IIMP® Authorized Professional Training Centres
5. IIMP® Authorized Exam Invigilation Centres
1. IIMP® Recognized Institutions
These are Universities and Colleges that are empowered to grant diplomas and/or undergraduate degrees and they offer business diplomas and/or business degrees such as BBA. These institutions that are not accredited by the IIMP® but they offer relevant courses, diploma and degree programs that may prepare their graduates to meet entrance requirements to enter the CMMP® designations. The graduates from these programs are assessed by the IIMP’s education management committee on case to case basis in order to ensure that they have taken required business and marketing courses and satisfy academic requirements to enter the CMMP® designations.
2. IIMP® Accredited Institutions
These are Universities and Colleges that are empowered to grant certification, diploma and undergraduate degree progream. These institutions have gone through a rigorous accreditation program offered by the IIMP® and have been recognized as an “IIMP® Accredited Institution”. These institutions are fully equipped to offer an accredited business certification, diploma and degree programs that includes all marketing and non-marketing courses to prepare their graduates to meet all entrance requirements to enter the CMMP® designations.
3. IIMP® Certified Study Centres
These institutions have gone through an assessment program offered by the IIMP® and have achieved a status of an “IIMP® Certified Study Centre”. The IIMP® Certified Study Centres are equipped to deliver professional development training courses and/or certification preparation for completing the necessary topics of CMMP® designations in accordance to contents stated in the CMMP® handbook and prepare candidates to write final exam given by the IIMP®’s head office, in order to earn CMMP® designations.
4. Authorized Professional Training Centres
These institutions have been established as one of those type of centers including Corporate Training, Study Centres, Executive Training Centers and Professional Development Centers. The IIMP®’s Academic Accreditation Committee (ACC) has accessed them and established agreements with them in order to empower them to deliver training courses/workshops relevant to professional development.
5. IIMP® Authorized Exam Invigilation Centres
These are Educational Institutions have met all requirements and become an “IIMP® Authorized Exam Invigilation Center”. The IIMP-AEIC will be established globally and expected to maintain high standards in facilitating and supervising the candidates for writing the examinations to achieve CMMP® designations.
Committee Members
– Senior Vice President Academic Accreditation, Prof. Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris, PhD (Management)
– Vice President of Academic Accreditation—Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Moeithen, PhD (Marketing)
– Vice President of Academic Accreditation—Dr. Rajender Kumar, LLB, PhD
– Vice President of Academic Accreditation—Dr. J. Barry Dickinson, MBA, PhD (Marketing)
– Vice President of Academic Accreditation—Prof. Dr. Mohan Agarwal, PhD (Marketing)
– Vice Presdient Academic Accreditation—Dr. Nancy E. Furlow, PhD (Mass Communication)
– Vice President Academic Accreditation, Dr. Tamer A. Awad, PhD (Marketing)
– Senior Director of Academic Accreditation—Dr Mohammed Misbahul Amin, M.Phil., PhD
– Senior Director of Academic Accreditation—Dr. Alvin Chan, DBA, MBA, PGDE
– Director Academic Accreditation—Dr. Dhiraj Sharma, PhD (Marketing)
– Director Academic Accreditation—Dr. Roudaina Houjeir, PhD (Marketing)
– Director of Academic Accreditation—Robert W.H. McGregor
– Associate Director of Academic Accreditation—Prof. Dar Mansoor, MBA, MPh. (Marketing)
– Member Academic Accreditation Committee—Farhan Majeed, MBA (Marketing)
– Member Academic Accreditation Committee—Prof. Dr.Robert E. Dratwa, MBA, PhD
– Member Academic Accreditation Committee—Dr. Anurag Dugar, PhD (Marketing)
– Advisory Member Academic Accreditation Committee—Dr. Destini Copp, MBA, DBA (Marketing)
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